
Tuesday, 30 April 2013


(8) edX - Google+ - SPOCs - Online & On-Campus Learning in Community Colleges …

(8) edX - Google+ - SPOCs - Online & On-Campus Learning in Community Colleges …

SPOCs : Small Private Online Courses, MOOCs younger cousins:)

Adapting to Blended Courses, and Finding Early Benefits -

Adapting to Blended Courses, and Finding Early Benefits -

'via Blog this'

Launch of first pan-European MOOCs Initiative

OpenupEd launched on 25th April: MOOCs get to Europe

EADTU kleinlifelonglearning

OpenupEd is the first MOOCs initiative which goes Europe-wide, with the support of the European Commission. At the start around 40 courses, covering a wide variety of subjects, are available, in 12 different languages. OpenupEd has been initiated and is coordinated by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) and mostly involves open universities. The 11 launch partners are based in France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, and the UK, and outside the EU in Russia, Turkey and Israel.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Democratic Development | Stanford Online

Democratic Development | Stanford Online
Ted Logo

Sugata Mitra
Educational researcher Sugata Mitra is the winner of the 2013 TED Prize. His wish: Build a School in the Cloud, where children can explore and learn from one another.

“The Victorians were great engineers. They engineered a [schooling] system that was so robust that it's still with us today, continuously producing identical people for a machine that no longer exists.”

Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud

Recommended by our friend  The Blog Teacher

Hacking lessons learned: how to cover your digital ass | VentureBeat

Hacking lessons learned: how to cover your digital ass | VentureBeat

Sometimes we all need a quick refresher on where to start when it comes to protecting our identities online, lest we get burned.
We’ve all heard of Mat Honan, the Wired reporter who had his digital life destroyed by hackers last year. F-Secure, a Finnish security company, created an infographic about his experience and provide tips on how to avoid making the same mistakes he did.

Read more at 

Applause: Children, Music & Social Change | Psychology Today

Applause: Children, Music & Social Change | Psychology Today

Young musician

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Sheryl Sandberg (MBA 1995) speaks at the HBS W50 Summit

‘Sisterhood of the traveling pantsuit’ | Harvard Gazette

‘Sisterhood of the traveling pantsuit’ | Harvard Gazette

Summit reflects on women’s gains in 50 years at HBS — and challenges ahead in wider world

By Katie Koch
Harvard Staff Writer
Friday, April 5, 2013


Photo by Katherine Taylor
On Thursday and Friday, about 800 of Harvard Business School’s roughly 11,000 alumnae — including some intrepid early graduates — descended on the Allston campus for the start of the W50 Summit, two days of reflection, celebration, and brainstorming on women’s experiences at HBS and beyond.

How to use Apple TV in the classroom | Education Dive

How to use Apple TV in the classroom | Education Dive

How To Create Presentation Slides That Are Out Of This World

Catálogo de Recursos Didácticos de la Web 2.0

Monday, 8 April 2013

Khan Academy in Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal)

Logotipo da Khan Academy




How to make RSA Animate style videos with your class…

How to make RSA Animate style videos with your class…

Higher Education and Social Media

Flipped Classroom Higher Education

MOOCs: A Napster-level threat to copyright and higher ed? | Education Dive

MOOCs: A Napster-level threat to copyright and higher ed? | Education Dive

Why MOOCs won't lead to empty classrooms | Education Dive

Why MOOCs won't lead to empty classrooms | Education Dive

Creative Commons in our Schools

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Lunch with the FT: Michael Sandel -

Lunch with the FT: Michael Sandel - A youthful 60, with mildly thinning hair, Michael Sandel is dressed in the garb of the academic: slacks, light blue shirt, drab jacket and no tie. There is little about his slight build and gentle mien to suggest he commands the kind of audiences...